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Button Tutorial

This tutorial describes the NUI button controls including, PushButton, Checkbox, Radio and Toggle.

In this tutorial the following subjects are covered:

Button creation
Button states
Button events
Button visuals
Tool tips
Button properties


The Button class is the base class for the button UI components.

Buttons can be selected, disabled, and togglable.

A push button changes its appearance when pressed, and returns to its original appearance when released.

The check box can be checked or unchecked.

The radio button has two states selected and unselected. Usually radio buttons are grouped, in a group only one radio button can be selected at a given time.

The toggle button allows the user to switch a feature on or off. Toggle buttons also support tooltips.

Button creation

push button:

private TableView _contentContainer;

_window = Window.Instance;
_contentContainer = new TableView(6, 5);

PushButton button = new PushButton();
button.LabelText = "Process";
button.ParentOrigin = ParentOrigin.BottomLeft;

_contentContainer.AddChild(button, new TableView.CellPosition(....    );

In this example the button is added to a Table View UI component.

check box button:

CheckBoxButton checkBoxbutton = new CheckBoxButton();
checkBoxbutton.LabelText = "Yes";
checkBoxbutton.BackgroundColor = Color.White;

Grouped radio buttons:

View radioGroup = new View();

RadioButton button1 = new RadioButton();
button1.LabelText = "Yes";
button1.Selected = true;

RadioButton button2 = new RadioButton();
button2.LabelText = "No";

Toggle button:

ToggleButton toggleButton = new ToggleButton();

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Button states

Buttons are selectable, can be disabled, and are togglable.

The Button class provides the Toggable and Selected properties.

The View class provides the Disabled property.

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Button events

There are 4 events associated with the Button class:

Here is an example of adding an event handler to a push button Clicked event:

pushButton.Clicked += (obj, e) =>
   PushButton sender = obj as PushButton;
   sender.LabelText = "Click Me";
   return true;

Events are not fired when the disabled property is set to true.

The Button class provides the following properties which modify the fired events:

  1. When autorepeating is set to true, the Pressed, Released and Clicked events are fired at regular intervals while the button is touched.

The interval times can be modified with the InitialAutoRepeatingDelay and NextAutoRepeatingDelay properties.

A togglable button can’t be autorepeating. If the autorepeating property is set to true, then the togglable property is set to false but no event is fired.

  1. When togglable is set to true, a StateChanged event is fired, with the selected state.

For a checkbox all 4 events are available, usually only the StateChanged event is used to notify when the button changes its state to selected or unselected.

For a radio button use the StateChanged event to check when the radio button is selected.

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Button visuals

Visuals provide reusable rendering logic which can be used by all controls. Images and icons are added to buttons via the use of visuals.

The button’s appearance can be modified by setting properties for the various ‘state’ Visuals.

A control has 3 states - NORMAL, FOCUSED and DISABLED. Buttons have sub states: SELECTED and UNSELECTED. Each state and sub-state should have the required visuals. A visual can be common between states.

When pressed the unselected visuals are replaced by the selected visual. The text label is always placed on the top of all images.

When the button is disabled, background, button and selected visuals are replaced by their disabled visuals.

This example illustrates the toggle button StateVisuals property, which has visuals for each state:

ToggleButton toggleButton = new ToggleButton();

PropertyArray array = new PropertyArray();
array.Add(new PropertyValue("./images/star-highlight.png"));
array.Add(new PropertyValue("./images/star-mod.png"));
array.Add(new PropertyValue("./images/star-dim.png"));
toggleButton.StateVisuals = array;

PropertyArray tooltips = new Dali.PropertyArray();
tooltips.Add(new PropertyValue("State A"));
tooltips.Add(new PropertyValue("State B"));
tooltips.Add(new PropertyValue("State C"));
toggleButton.Tooltips = tooltips;

toggleButton.WidthResizePolicy  = ResizePolicyType.FillToParent;
toggleButton.HeightResizePolicy = ResizePolicyType.FillToParent;

The styling tutorial describes button styling with visuals.

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Tool tips

There are various methods of adding tooltips to a button:

  1. Use the View class TooltipText property:
PushButton button = new PushButton();

// Add a simple text only tooltip
button.TooltipText = "Simple Tooltip";
  1. Use a property array as shown in the example in the Visuals section

  2. Property maps

In this example an array of property map’s is created for a tooltip with one icon and one text visual:

PushButton button = new PushButton();

// Create a property map for a tooltip with one icon and one text
PropertyArray iconTooltipContent = new Property.Array();

// Icon
PropertyMap iconVisual = new PropertyMap();
iconVisual.Add(Dali.Constants.Visual.Property.Type, new PropertyValue((int)Dali.Constants.Visual.Type.Image))
          .Add(Dali.Constants.ImageVisualProperty.URL, new PropertyValue("./images/star-highlight.png"));

iconTooltipContent.Add(new PropertyValue(iconVisual));

// Text
PropertyMap textVisual = new PropertyMap();
textVisual.Add(Dali.Constants.Visual.Property.Type, new PropertyValue((int)Dali.Constants.Visual.Type.Text))
          .Add(Dali.Constants.TextVisualProperty.Text, new PropertyValue("Tooltip with Icon"));

iconTooltipContent.Add(new PropertyValue(textVisual));

// Icon tool tip
PropertyMap iconTooltip = new PropertyMap();
iconTooltip.Add(Dali.Constants.Tooltip.Property.Content, new Property.Value(iconTooltipContent))
	   .Add(Dali.Constants.Tooltip.Property.Tail, new PropertyValue(true));

// Add the tooltip with icon and text to the push button
button.Tooltip = iconTooltip;

The Tooltip property is inherited from the_View_ class.

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Button Properties

The properties available in the Button base class are:

Property Type Description
UnselectedVisual Map A map describing visual, changes dependent on state
SelectedVisual Map a map describing visual, changes dependent on state
DisabledUnselectedVisual Map A map describing visual, changes dependent on state
DisabledSelectedVisual Map a map describing visual, changes dependent on state
UnselectedBackgroundVisual Map A map describing visual, changes dependent on state
SelectedBackgroundVisual Map a map describing visual, changes dependent on state
DisabledUnselectedBackgroundVisual Map A map describing visual, changes dependent on state
DisabledSelectedBackgroundVisual Map a map describing visual, changes dependent on state
LabelRelativeAlignment Align Position of text label in relation to foreground/icon when both are present
LabelPadding Vector4 The padding area around the label (if present)
ForegroundVisualPadding Vector4 The padding area around the foreground/icon visual (if present)
AutoRepeating bool autorepeating is described in the button events section
InitialAutoRepeatingDelay float Stores the initial autorepeating delay in seconds (current default setting 0.15s)
NextAutoRepeatingDelay float Stores the next autorepeating delay in seconds (current default setting 0.05s)
Togglable bool If the togglable property is set to true, then the autorepeating property is set to false.
Selected bool Sets the toggable button as either selected or unselected
UnselectedColor Color Gets/Sets the unselected color
SelectedColor Color Gets/Sets the selected color
Label Map Stores the button text label
LabelText string Stores the button text label

Note: If the autorepeating property is set to true then the togglable property is set to false.

The properties available for the ToggleButton class are:

Property Type Description
StateVisuals Array Array of property-maps, or a property array of strings. The property map expects a description of visual, and string represents an image url.
Tooltips Array Array of toggle state tooltip strings. Each tooltip string should match a toggle state
CurrentStateIndex int current state

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