DALi Development Guide

Dynamic Animation Library

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Animation Tutorial

This tutorial describes the Dali Animation framework

In this tutorial the following subjects are covered:

Setting up an Animation
Animation Notifications
Key Frames


You can use animations to allow your objects to move around and change their properties for a specified duration.

DALi provides a rich and easy to use animation framework which allows you to create visually rich applications.

The Dali::Animation class can be used to animate the animatable properties of any number of objects.

Setting up an Animation

Below code creates an Animation with a duration of 3 seconds.

Animation animation = Animation::New( 3.0f );

Once created the following properties can be used to set up the animation.

By, to and between

There are 3 animation functions that determine what should be animated.

Function Description
AnimateTo Animates a given property to the given value
AnimateBy Animates a given property by a given amount
AnimateBetween Animates a given property from a given value to a given value

Below code animates the actor1 position to 10.0f, 50.0f, 0.0f

animation.AnimateTo( Property( actor1, Dali::Actor::Property::POSITION ), Vector3( 10.0f, 50.0f, 0.0f ) );

Multiple functions can be attached to an animation. All with different targets (actors) and properties.

Play and play range

Once the animation has been created and set up to Animate then it can be played.


This will play all functions attached to that animation. The animation will play and execution of the event thread is not blocked (user interation continues).


The animation can be set to loop forever.

animation.SetLooping( true );

Or set to loop a number of times.

animation.SetLoopCount( 5 );

Below will loop forever ( as SetLooping(true) )

animation.SetLoopCount( 0 );

The direction of looping can also be set with the following API.


End action

The following End Actions are available. They determine what the animated Property value should be when the animation ends.

EndAction Description
Bake current value of the animation becomes the property’s value, animation may have stopped before completion.
Discard change due to the animation is discarded, original property value maintained
BakeFinal even if the animation does not complete the final target value becomes the property’s value
animation.SetEndAction( Animation::Discard );

Stop Pause Clear

An animation can be paused and then continued with Play().


or stopped. Once stopped, Play() will start it again.


Alpha functions

The animations change the target property in a Linear way, to configure this an Alpha function can be supplied.

Alpha functions are used in animations to specify the rate of change of the animation parameter over time.
This allows the animation to be, for example, accelerated, decelerated, repeated, or bounced.
The built-in supported functions can be viewed in the Dali::AlphaFunction::BuiltinFunction

An example of setting an Ease In alpha function for all attached functions

animation.SetDefaultAlphaFunction( Dali::AlphaFunction::EASE_IN );

or for a specified function

animation.AnimateTo( Property( actor1, Dali::Actor::Property::POSITION ),
                     Vector3( 10.0f, 50.0f, 0.0f ),
                     Dali::AlphaFunction::EASE_IN );

Custom Alpha functions can be created

float MyAlphaFunction( float progress )
  // Do something cool with progress
  return progress;

AlphaFunction alphaFunction( &MyAlphaFunction );
animation.SetDefaultAlphaFunction( alphaFunction );

Animation Notifications

Dali::Animation is a “fire and forget” framework, meaning that a handle to the animation does not need to be kept.
The animation.Play() can be called and the handle can go out of scope.

To track the animation the FinishedSignal signal can be used, it will trigger when the animation ends.


animation.FinishedSignal().Connect( this, &HelloWorldExample::OnFinished );

Key Frames

Key Frame Animation

DALi provides support for animating between several different values, or key frames.
A key frame takes a progress value between 0.0f and 1.0f (0 and 100% respectively) and portrays the value of the property when the animation has progressed that much.
You can create several key frames:

KeyFrames keyFrames = KeyFrames::New();
                      keyFrames.Add( 0.0f, Vector3( 10.0f, 10.0f, 10.0f ) );
                      keyFrames.Add( 0.7f, Vector3( 200.0f, 200.0f, 200.0f ) );
                      keyFrames.Add( 1.0f, Vector3( 100.0f, 100.0f, 100.0f ) );

Next, you can add the key frames to your animation.

animation.AnimateBetween( Property( actor1, Dali::Actor::Property::POSITION ), keyFrames );

When you play the animation, DALi animates the position of actor1 between the specified key frames.
The actor1 animates from (10.0f, 10.0f, 10.0f) to (200.0f, 200.f, 200.0f) by 70% (0.7f) of the animation time, and then spends the remaining time animating back to (100.0f, 100.0f, 100.0f).

The advantage of specifying a key frame at 0% is that regardless of where the actor1 is, it starts from position (10.0f, 10.0f, 10.0f). If AnimateTo() is used the start position is the actor1’s current position.